The 9th All Time Best Song: From This Gypsy Soul!

mystic1I am a free-spirit, bohemian girl with a gypsy soul. So many years ago when I heard this great song come on the classic rock station in my hometown in California proclaiming, “I, want to rock your gypsy soul, just like back in the days of ore”, this song had me! It took me years to even find out what the name of it was or who sang it…. I just called it the “Rock your gypsy soul” song. Little did I know that my 2nd husband would share a hometown…. across the Atlantic, in Belfast, Northern Ireland with the great, talented and very famous composer and singer of this wonderful, soulful and what I call ‘mood’ song. Of course that would be the great, Van Morrison.  It is the kind of song that just puts you in a ‘mood’. It takes you to an open road, driving fast on a sunny day with the windows wide open and your arms hanging out the windows feeling free as a bird. For free-spirited, gypsy souls such as myself, this song just hits ‘that place’ so deep it is like a blanket warming you on a chilly winter evening.


When Van crescendos that big, “I……….. want to rock your gypsy soul……”…. Oh! I just flutter! My gypsy soul still gets fluttered to this day. That is a plus having a health condition that sucks so much of the life out of me. I am a free spirited, frolicking, playful girl on the inside and this song reminds me of that! This song is timeless and still gets a lot of airtime on classic rock stations and the like. So won’t you take a few minutes and enjoy what I consider to be the 9th greatest song of all times, “Into The Mystic”, by the great Van Morrison.

mystic3Until next time, K.

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